
Being accountable at all times as an employer is one of the fundamental principles on which our way of working is based.

Welfare at work

The welfare of our employees, as well as the temporary workers, trainees, students, pupils and third parties who work with us is of the greatest importance.

We are convinced that many accidents (causing personal injuries, injuries to others, material damage and harm to the environment) can be prevented by having a carefully considered and consistent policy in place regarding prevention, protection and the environment.

When it comes to the environment we take account of energy, raw materials and waste, water, air and mobility to reduce our carbon footprint.

Dealing preventatively with alcohol, drugs and medication is also part of our policy. This because the use and abuse of alcohol, drugs or medication is one of the factors that can adversely affect the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees. It can also have a negative effect on their environment. These factors can also have a negative impact on the productivity and quality of the work and image of Meyland, ABS Roeland and Meyland Services.

We make every effort to ensure that psychosocial stress caused by work (including stress, burn-out, violence, bullying and sexual harassment) is limited as much as possible and can be discussed openly and talked about.

Making this happen requires the active involvement of all our staff, together with our customers and regular consumers.

Wellbeing of customers

Our policy is also focused on meeting ISO and VCA standards so that we can generate optimum customer satisfaction. We also aim to provide a total solution by giving expert guidance and advice in every area of our business.

Setting something in motion. That’s something Meyland does. Meyland designs, builds and maintains installations for the internal transport of general and bulk goods. Tailored to your product. And tailored to your ambitions. Even more than moving goods from point A to point B, Meyland’s integrated transport systems ensure practical optimisation of the production process: efficiency and operational reliability. In this way, in addition to your product, your company also keeps moving.

We aim to achieve this by setting the following priorities:

  1. Complying with laws and regulations, including the standards in effect.
  2. Striving for optimum customer satisfaction.
  3. Ensuring the ongoing improvement of knowledge and skills on the part of our staff, in particular with regard to prevention, protection and the environment.
  4. Constantly monitoring all of the measures needed to prevent material and environmental damage to buildings, goods and vehicles, both on our premises and at our customers and regular consumers.
  5. Conducting regular internal checks on efficient operations and the effectiveness of our policy on welfare.
  6. Striving for constant improvementsto this policy.

We are counting on the full cooperation of everyone involved to implement this policy on an ongoing basis so that it achieves tangible measures and results.


Roeland Geert
Managing Director
15th April 2024