Bedrijfssite en wagenpark van Meyland

Our values, your benefits

Meyland looks after the goods in your company and keeps them moving. Without the slightest disruption or mishap. Put another way, we offer you top-quality systems for handling and transporting all of your goods – from individual items to bulk consignments. In total projects, based along 3 main lines, we design, build and maintain. And everything is customised to suit your product.

To enable us to work as effectively as possible, above and beyond the strictest quality standards, we also have to keep moving ourselves. Our experts tirelessly seek out the latest technologies that provide the best fit with your products and projects. Always keeping in mind the safety of your employees, respect for your budget and taking great care of the environment that affects us all. Enabling you to aim straight for your targets. In one fluid movement.



A family company with ambition

Meyland gives you all of the benefits of a family-run company in a single movement: tireless efforts for your business; and strong, personal contacts between all employees, as well as with you. Plus flexibility every step of the way. We supplement these benefits with our own ambition to provide satisfaction to increasing numbers of international customers. It’s an open vision, which means that we are also working for your company in our own way.

The same energy

As a business manager, you are driven by great energy. Energy to increase your turnover. Energy to maintain and increase the quality of your products. Energy to strengthen the relationship with your employees and customers. With a similar spirit driving us, you will also very much appreciate that we are imbued with the same mindset as you. And as like minds, we will take your bulk and individual goods in the precise direction you want.

Expertise and methodical approach

Meyland exudes professionalism in every phase of your project. Whether it’s at the design stage, construction or maintenance of your warehousing and transport system, we know our trade through and through. We dare to say this because our broad-based experience extends back almost half a century to 1968. And our know-how continues to grow every day. These irrefutable facts form the foundation for a step-by-step approach that will result in the most appropriate solution for you. Always, in constant consultation with you, of course.

Attention to people and the environment

At Meyland we work for more than just your benefit or ours. We also work in practical terms for the people around us, too. In the first instance, we’re talking about our own staff, to whom we offer every opportunity to develop and grow. But then there are others: the community and the environment in which they live. For us, sustainability is a given: in the way we manufacture, the materials we work with and the products that we install for you. Only by having such a sense of responsibility do we succeed in maintaining our good relations – with customers, staff and the people around us.

Creative innovation working for you

Talent plus ongoing training equals innovation. At Meyland it does, at least. All of our employees are passionate about the latest technologies, and they are particularly creative about the way they work. That way you receive systems that perform even better. With even greater safety for your staff. Making them better armed and prepared for the future.


Meyland has been audited and certificated by independent external bodies for the quality of our products and production process, as well as for our prevention policy on health and safety in the workplace and for our active environmental policy.

VCA Petrochemicals

As holder of the Petrochemicals VCA certificate (Health, Safety and Environment contractor assessment system), Meyland is able to reassure clients and colleagues that the required prevention measures are in place in the workplace which reduces the risks for staff working on site to a minimum. The Petrochemicals VCA certificate is the proof that Meyland meets the strictest requirements.


Say what you do and do what you say and prove it. That is what the ISO9001 certificate stands for in a language everyone understands. Meyland meets this international norm governing quality management: we meet the requirements of our customers, the law and regulations that apply to our products as well as the requirements that we set ourselves.


On 1 July 2014 a CE marking for load-bearing construction parts in aluminium, steel or stainless steel become mandatory for companies that market these parts in Europe. The EN1090 certificate is the result of an assessment of the production environment within our company and is proof that the production processes meet all European norms.

East Flanders Environment Charter

Meyland is the proud bearer of the East Flanders Environment Charter that rewards companies who have an excellent policy with regards the environment. Meyland is committed to taking specific actions that benefit the environment. These environmental actions are audited each year by independent specialists.