Customised vertical transport: elevators, goods lifts and more
Do you want to transport your bulk goods fast without wasting too much space? Elevators, goods lifts, feed conveyors or bucket elevators do this for you simply, efficiently and safely. A vertical conveyor is a handy addition to an internal transport system based on conveyor belts, chain conveyors and screw conveyors in production companies on several storeys, and for transporting bulk goods to silos.
Are you looking for vertical transport to move bulk goods around your company?
Meyland makes the goods move! We can help you with elevators, bucket elevators, goods lifts and other types of vertical transport. Contact us for a quote with no obligations.
Customised elevators
One thing is certain: your bulk goods need to go upwards, as safely as possible and with a vertical transport system that is easy to use. Which elevator will you choose? A bucket elevator or a goods lift? A combination? There are many possible options available for vertical transport, and the place where you intend to use your elevator also plays a role.
At Meyland, we look forward to listening to your wishes for moving bulk goods upwards. That way we can always propose a custom system for vertical transport in your company: with an elevator, bucket elevator or goods lift, we move your goods upwards.
Standard elevators
Do you need standard sizes or standard material for your elevators? Do you want to buy a goods lift? You can also come to Meyland for standard vertical transport. Whatever you need, we make the goods move!
Types of elevator
The sky is the limit with elevators or goods lifts! We send your bulk goods skywards with vertical transport systems for throughputs up to 2000 m³/hour. You can also add extra systems for:
- extinguishing,
- supressing explosions,
- automatic clamping,
- detecting faulty belt alignment.
Do you have something else in mind for your vertical transport besides an elevator, bucket elevator or goods lift? Don’t hesitate to contact us. We will certainly be able to help.
Maintenance and repairs of elevators
Our job is not finished once we have installed a vertical transport system at your company, warehouse or organisation. Count on Meyland for the maintenance and repairs of your elevators, bucket elevators and goods lifts as well. Ask for more information about our servicing plan.