Obial is one of the leading global companies on grain storage technologies. The company offers turnkey grain storage system solutions with reasonable prices.

A short presentation of the products can be found further on this page.
More information can be found on the Obial website.

  • Diameter:  4,51 m to 31,60 m
  • Capacity:   50 tons to 15.000 tons



  • Cone: 45° – 65°, according to the flow characteristics of the grain.
  • Diameter: 2,11 m to 10,83 m
  • Capacity: 5 tons to 1.600 tons



Obial provides solutions for loading trucks.


  • Capacity: 20 T/hour to 600 T/hour



  • Capacity: 45 T/h to 500 T/h


Thanks to the custom-developed software for every project, possible errors are quickly detected. The entire control system is controlled and managed from one central point. The operator is alerted by the system and informed of the exact position of the error.


All available dryers work according to the following principle:

  1. Air is drawn in via a fan
  2. A mixture of gas from the installation and the air is burned
  3. The heat generated is further conveyed to the air channels of the product chamber
  4. The heat is transferred to the product
  5. The air circulating along the product reduces the humidity

